sutton group - incentive realty inc.
241 Minet's Point Road
Barrie, ON
L4N 4C4
Tel #: (705) 739-1300
Fax #: (705) 739-1330
Cell #: (705) 716-9986
Click on the image to see my feature home
- Click here to see the City of Barrie web site.
- Click here to check the MLS listings to see if your dream home is listed. If it is, write down the MLS number and let me know what it is and I will arrange for you to see it.
- If you would like me to find just the perfect home for you, click here.
- Mortgage Calculator click here.
- Watch for more desirable listings coming very soon!
Here's the latest news from the world of real estate.
In the meantime, you can e-mail me with any questions you might have. | | | |